

FireDam Spray 200



3M™ FireDam Spray 200 is a sprayable water-based material, that dries to form a tough, elastomeric coating. This material when used as part of an assembly will firestop building joints, perimeter joints (curtain wall), and through penetration seals.
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
  • Dries quickly to dark gray or red
  • Consistent spray patterns
  • STC rating 56 when installed in a 56 STC rated wall assembly
  • Sag resistant for vertical applications
  • Applied with conventional airless sprayers
  • High elasticity/movement capability
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Ideal for sealing building joints, penetration seals and perimeter joints between fire-rated floors (concrete, fire-proofed fluted steel decks) and fire-rated walls (gypsum, concrete). Applied as 1/8 inch (3mm) thick coating with an airless sprayer, this water-based coating dries in ambient conditions to form a flexible seal with compression/extension of up to +/- 50% of nominal joint width.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: 3M
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