

Gas Power Units



It must say "OZTEC" to be the industry's best concrete vibrator...
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
    Powerful, portable and reliable…Oztec gas power units, provide ultimate and immediate adaptability on the job. Utilizing rugged and dependable Honda gasoline engines, coupled to our "speed-up" transmission, vibrator heads develop 12,000 vpm and never drop below 10,000vpm...Even in the heaviest low slump concrete loads. (Tested in near 0 slump concrete). This 10,000 - 12,000vpm range is essential for high-quality concrete. (Direct drive units "scream", have short lives and usually drop below 10,000vpm when the head is immersed in concrete).

    Click here for the selection chart to match the proper combination of power unit, shaft and vibrator head.
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Mounted on very comfortable frames, the OZTEC backpacks BP-35 allows operators incredible maneuverability around the job. Run time with full tank approximately 1 hour plus. Runs heads up to 1 ½" diameter. Honda 1 3/4 HP, 4 stroke, Weight 19lbs.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Oztec
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