

High Efficiency Rubberhead



Oztec's "High Efficiency RubberHeadTM" Outperforms any other type of vibrator
(click image to enlarge)
Quick Overview
    Oztec's patented "High Efficiency RubberHeadTM":
  • Will outperform any other type of vibrator…round, square, hi-cycle, etc…Any Type!
  • Will protect epoxy coated rebar and expensive forms.
  • Is outstanding in low slump (to "0" slump) concrete.
  • Essential in large pours of very stiff concrete.
  • Makes concrete denser with less voids to patch.
  • Vibrates @ 12,000vpm, never drops below 10,500vpm when lowered deep into low slump concrete.
  • Provides Superior Action.
  • Is an absolute must for Architectural concrete where cosmetic surfaces are essential.
  • All Oztec vibrators meet or exceed ACI specification # 309

  • Click here for the selection chart to match the proper combination of power unit, shaft and vibrator head.
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Epoxy coated rebar presents a particularly troublesome problem. Steel heads act like an electric hammer, striking any rebar or forms they contact, over 10,000 times per minute, with a force from hundreds to over 2,000 pounds per blow. Contact with a steel vibrator head of as little as one second can chip enough coating to subject the steel to deep rust. Oztec's patented High Efficiency "RubberHeadTM" vibrator head not only meets DOT non-metal head specifications for protecting coated rebar and expensive forms, but exhibit some very special and unique properties. The High Efficiency "RubberHeadTM" urethane dimpled construction sends strong shock waves off the entire length of the head, with a larger radius of action, producing denser concrete with less voids to patch.
Additional Information
Manufacturer: Oztec
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