

920AF Fibered Emulsion Mastic Trowel Grade


Karnak Corporation

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Quick Overview

  • Karnak #920AF Fibered Emulsion Mastic is a general purpose coating, manufactured with refined asphalt, clay emulsifiers, and selected non-asbestos fibers. The dried film cures to a tough, flexible, durable finish and will resist variations in temperature and weather. Karnak #920AF Fibered Emulsion Mastic will not burn or support combustion in a liquid state. It has no odor or fumes, and resists the absorption of exterior moisture. Karnak #920AF Fibered Emulsion Mastic may be applied to slightly damp surfaces.

  • Uses:
  • Karnak #920AF Fibered Emulsion Mastic is a vapor retarder used as a protective coating, against dampness on the exterior face of interior above grade and exterior surfaces of concrete, metal and wood above or below grade. It may also be used to dampproof interior surfaces below grade in the absence of hydrostatic pressure. The emulsion may be utilized as an adhesive for styrofoam insulation prior to backfilling.
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Additional Information
Manufacturer: Karnak Corporation
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