

650 Waterproofing Membrane


Polyguard Products

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Quick Overview

    Basic Uses:
  • Polyguard 650 Membranes are used on concrete for foundation waterproofing, mud slabs, sills, and spandrel beams, tunnels, plaza decks, parking garages and related applications where waterproofing is critical. Polyguard Membranes may also be used on wood, concrete block structures and insulated concrete forms. Wide membrane widths allow fast and easy application to continuous flat surfaces. Narrow width material is available for trim corners, construction joints and other applications. Polyguard membranes should be applied according to specifications. Remedial work can offer special problems in the use of waterproofing materials. Specifies should discuss remedial work with Polyguard prior to specification and detailing.
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Additional Information
Manufacturer: Polyguard Products
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